The Influence of Technology and Social Media on Student Character Building


  • Sofie Raihana Tampubolon Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Feby Aulia Feby Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Tari Lasmi Virginia Sihotang Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Asmarianti Daulay Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Gaby Sarah Giovani Sigalingging Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Rido Pratama Ginting Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • Natalia Silalahi Universitas Negeri Medan Author



Influence, Technology, Student Character, Education, School


The development of information technology can have a major impact in various aspects of life, including education. Technology can have a positive impact, such as easy access to teaching materials and online learning if used properly. However, inappropriate use of technology can have a negative impact on students' attitudes, ethics and character. This study aims to analyze the influence of technology and social media use on student character building using the literature review method. Based on the results of the research, it is found that technology and social media have a negative influence on students' morals, communication and responsibility, so in this case education has an important role to manage the negative impacts that arise with moral education, habituation and exemplary.


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How to Cite

The Influence of Technology and Social Media on Student Character Building. (2024). International Journal of Educational Practice and Policy, 2(2), 78-82.