Analysis of Parenting Style to Foster Children's Independencies in the Tanjung Jati Village, West Binjai District


  • Rio Suparman universitas negeri medan Author
  • Yusnadi Yusnadi Universitas Negeri Medan Author
  • muhammad takwin machmud Universitas Negeri Medan Author



children independence, Parenting pattern, Parenting


Children's independence is shaped and developed in large part by their parents, who help them to effectively navigate all of life's obstacles and conquer whatever obstacle they encounter. This study looks at the impact of parenting strategies in fostering children' independence. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach. The sample is involving 10 parents in Tanjung Jati village, West Binjai district. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire consists of 9 questions related to parenting and child independence. The survey results show that the majority of parents are considered to apply parenting styles that support children's independence, and parents assess their children as independent. In conclusion, the majority of parents employ a balanced parenting approach, which helps to foster children's progressive independence development.


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How to Cite

Analysis of Parenting Style to Foster Children’s Independencies in the Tanjung Jati Village, West Binjai District. (2024). International Journal of Educational Practice and Policy, 2(1), 7-12.